
1)Warrior-The warior is a talented black smith this allows him/her to repair weapons. This skill will hinder his/her magickl abilities. max stats w/out special armors/weapons Str=250 Magick=50 Dex=60 Vitality=100
2)Sorcer/Sorceress-The sorcer or sorceress has great magical powers hindering his/her ability to heavy waepons or armor. Without the use of most armors he/she is very dependent on his/her magic for protection. max stats w/out special armors/weapons Str=45 Magick=250 Dex=85 Vitality=80
3)Rouge-The rouge is can use heavy weapons as well as spells. She can use telepathy and other mind spells. max stats w/out special armors/weapons Str=55 Magick=70 Dex=250 Vitality=80
4)Paladin-The paladin is a warrior that can tap into the same magick as the sorcer. max stats w/out special armors/weapons Str=250 Magick=75 Dex=90 Vitality=100
5) Necromancer The necromancer is a dark Sorcer that cast dark spells instead of spells of good. max stats w/out special armors/weapons Str=45 Magick=250 Dex=85 Vitality=80

Female Rouge/Sorceress/Female Warrior


